Two Quotes on Ignorance and Tyranny
When you Suspect Propaganda, Here are 10 Questions to Ask Yourself
About Blog Dormancy
Please Support Professor Jordan B. Peterson, a Shining Light for Free Speech
On Friendship, Faith, and Martyrdom
Why Shouldn't "Age-Identity Non-Discrimination" be a Thing?
What Happens when Human Beings are Neutered in Law?
Hey, hey! Ho, ho! Group Think Has Got to Go!
GOP Governors Enlist with Transgender War Against Science, Human Rights, and Consent
The Transgender Movement is a Vehicle for Censorship and State Power
Political Correctness is an Agitprop Tool that can be used to legalize anything
What if there was an opinion cascade about pet rocks?
A Conversation with Robert Oscar Lopez on Campus Insanity
A Reading List to Promote Sanity and Hack-Proof Your Mind
La Marseillaise and Defiance to Tyranny One Person at a Time
Don't Yawn About Local Elections! They Can Result in Major Social Engineering
My Daily Caller Interview with Ginni Thomas on PC Propaganda
Breaking the Deadly Spiral of Silence
To the Mass State, Traditional Mothers are the True Subversives
Our Gordian Knot, Part VI "The Hidden Sphere"