Learn to Detect the Weaponization of Loneliness in Every Movie You Watch
Some New Orwellian Slogans are "Misery is joy" and "Hate is Love"
Let's Get Familiar with the Tytler Cycle -- a Theory about the Sequence of Human Progress and Regression
Communism is Slavery -- Let's say it loudly and often
C-SPAN Book TV has Aired My Speech about The Weaponization of Loneliness
Sam Sorbo and I talk about the weaponization of loneliness and its effect on children
Interview with Steve Deace on The Weaponization of Loneliness
Great Feedback from Some Book Clubs!
Some Thoughts on the Famous Photo of the Lone German Who Refused to Salute Hitler
My Interview with the Splendid Mercedes Schlapp
State Censorship leads to our isolation
Propagandists Always Seek to Prevent Public Awareness of Propaganda Tactics
Why I Put Together this Book Club Website: My Write-Up at The Federalist
All sessions in my Book Club guide come with Video Supplements! Here's an example re: how cults operate
Introducing Stella's Book Club on the Weaponization of Loneliness
When Discussing Censorship, We Should Always Point Out that it Isolates People
The Main Purpose of Censorship is to Isolate People in Order to Control Them