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The Sickness of Mobs: Harassing People Who are Minding their own Business

Updated: Sep 21, 2023

What's the real purpose of the BLM harassment of people dining outdoors in Washington, DC, trying to force them to raise their fist in "solidarity" with the Marxist BLM trope? They do it in the same manner of the old childhood bully who twists your arm and demands you "Say Uncle!" The difference is that today we have dangerous roving mobs of them who should be old enough to know better. Check it out here:

Interesting also how every single one of the mob members surrounding the diner is "white." No doubt because they are products of an education system that cultivates ignorance in them when it comes to content knowledge. Through ignorance and family/community breakdown, we have a generation of isolated people who look to the mob for a sense of purpose and of "community." It's tragic. I wrote about that in my previous post: "At Some Level, Street Agitators Know How Ignorant they are."

But this is what the curriculum of political correctness and identity politics teaches. They learn that this is how to get their status points. And they have so little else going for them that they really crave status points. They've been taught that this sort of thing puts them "on the right side of history." Well, it does hearken back to some unsavory chapters of history, certainly not the "right side." How is their mentality any different than the brown shirts of the Third Reich who felt a sense of status when they harassed those they considered to be "lesser beings?" It's not.

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