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What is a Human? -- Part III

Updated: Sep 22, 2023

If you’re a reasonable person, you probably don’t mind engaging on a topic that involves the reality of things. Facts are within this realm. Observable truth, is, for example, that Boston is north of Washington. Of course, we must all agree on the definition of the word “North” in order to arrive at any agreement. And we must all agree on the relative locations of Washington and Boston. If everyone in the room were suddenly to challenge this fact, and say that Boston is south of Washington, you’d be taken aback.

When a fact is challenged loudly, it’s destabilizing because that takes us to a place of unreality. If we’re stuck in that realm long enough we can lose our compass, our anchor. And things start looking very surrealistic as we enter that Twilight Zone.

Exchanging opinions, beliefs and various dogmas are a different story. If you believe something very strongly, but it’s not part of the realm of universally observable fact, you should expect some skepticism when you express it publicly. UFOs fall into this category. And I would say transgenderism does as well. The problem is that transgender law is hellbent on challenging essential facts about human reality.

One observable fact about humanity — defined in science as well as biblically and in the plaque of the Pioneer spacecraft illustrated above – is that it comes in two kinds. Males and females are the same in all of their biological systems, except for the reproductive system. In that they are absolutely distinct. The question transgenderism raises for us is: Can a person who rejects the sex they were “assigned” at birth become the other sex because he or she believes it to be so? If you say the answer is “Yes,” then pray tell: what does that mean for our sense of reality?

It means some seismic things. If we no longer agree on the definition of terms “male” and “female” that has vast implications for everything else in the landscape. When the terms are corrupted, when the map is compromised, people easily become displaced and disoriented, without direction — which means ripe for manipulation. This changes the whole experience of being human, placing us in a trap of ambiguity as to who and what we are.

If that’s where transgenderism leads us, what does it bode for human relationships? And power and freedom?

To be continued . . . .

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