There is a common thread that runs through all agendas that increase the power of the State: Separation of human beings from one another. Obamacare meddles in the doctor-patient relationship. Common Core meddles in the teacher-student relationship. Excessive regulation of businesses meddles in the customer-merchant relationship. No fault divorce meddles in the husband wife relationship and the child-parent relationship. Abortion especially meddles in the mother-child relationship. Same sex marriage meddles in the child-parent relationship by insisting that no child needs — nor should they even desire — a relationship with both of their biological parents, parents of both sexes. We can deny these facts all we like, but the State’s role in separating us undeniably exists in each of these policies.
Central planning has always been about separating and isolating people. And the attack on the family has always been about centralizing the power of the state for the benefit of the few elites in control of it.
“Marriage equality” and transgenderism has been such a centerpiece of the Obama Administration’s transformation agenda precisely because undefining marriage jump starts the process of separating families. The separation of families inevitably snowballs into the separation of people in other kinds of relationships, particularly friendships. Family breakdown can’t help but play a key role in the breakdown of social trust and the disintegration of once functioning and vibrant communities. Every totalitarian society depends upon a sense of alienation among its people. Central planning agendas are always pushed in the name of something positive-sounding like “love makes a family” or “authenticity” or any number of platitudes. Tyrannies always claim to support the very thing they intend to destroy.
The marketing boom in artificial reproductive technologies — especially for same sex households — shows us the extent to which ART serves to deliberately sever a child’s bond with either the mother or the father or both. Transgenderism separates us at perhaps an even more intimate level, because it ultimately renders all sex distinctions meaningless, thus separating us from our identities as either male or female, father or mother, son or daughter. This may seem counter-intuitive in an age when transgender individuals like Bruce Jenner portray an exaggerated image of the female persona. But the ultimate goal of gender theory is the obliteration of all sex distinctions. We might say that the Jenner phenomenon simply manifests the “transitional” moment we are passing through in the interim.
We ought to disabuse ourselves of the notion that the LGBT agenda was ever about the rights of a minority demographic. It’s always been a convenient vehicle towards the centralization of power. Which depends upon human separation. Always in the name of togetherness.